We Make Tomorrow: recording now available 6 Mar 2020

A full recording of the ‘We Make Tomorrow’ event on cultural leadership for climate change, held last month by Julie’s Bicycle, is now available. Speakers included musician and futurologist Brian Eno and ‘doughnut economics’ inventor Kate Raworth, as well as cultural sector leaders. Quoting the title of a book on the fall of the Soviet Union ‘Everything was forever until it was no more’, Eno and Raworth anticipated similarly rapid change in social priorities and point to businesses, governments and banks drawn to instigate changes unthinkable a few years ago. In a practical session on the roadmap to zero carbon, Richard Ashton spoke about Opera North’s plans, as it factors in both carrying about its touring opera in several large trucks, and the impact of audience travel. In the same session Tate Modern Director Frances Morris sketched out Tate’s plans for the year, which will begin with private round tables, leading to a major public event. She also gave more personal reflections about how targets for success might have to change, including modelling degrowth while working to offer more to less privileged audiences. She said “my whole career has been spent pushing at that growth model, celebrating, increasing activity, increasing numbers, unstoppable acquisitions, the accumulation of tangible heritage – all that is up for grabs. Can we retain our values – boldness, kindness, rigour, while also placing the environment and social responsibility at the heart of what we do?” Julie’s Bicycle (recording of whole conference)