Relevance 2017 7 Oct 2017

Relevance 2017

Historic Royal Palaces is hosting ‘Relevance 2017’, an ICOM conference framed around exploring ‘are we trying hard enough? – making museums and historic houses relevant to audiences in the 21st century’. It focuses on programming to attract local communities; making sure narratives are relevant as ideas of national identity change over time; remaining useful for formal and informal learners and in the face of rapidly changing technology. 190 delegates will be attending from over 40 countries, visiting nine museums in London and four museums in Oxford over the course of the conference.

The two keynote speeches will be livestreamed. These are:

  • Franklin Vagnone, author of Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums – 10.30am Sat 14th October
  • Maria Balshaw, Director of the Tate – 10am Mon 16th October

You can watch the livestream here. You can also follow the conference on twitter #relevance2017 @relevance2017. Relevance 2017