Culture GVA up 9.5% in 2019, bringing £34.6bn to the economy 11 Jan 2021

DCMS has published Economic Estimates for 2019 for all the sectors it oversees, showing impressive growth in the year before the coronavirus struck. These sectors, comprising digital, culture, tourism, creative industries, gambling, sport, telecoms, civil society and tourism generated £295bn for the UK economy or 15% of UK GVA, up from 14.6% the previous year. Individual sector figures show: 

  • The cultural sector contributed £34.6bn in 2019, or 1.8% of UK GVA. This is an increase of 9.5% since 2018 and by 27.0% since 2010 in real terms. This is more than twice as much as sport, which contributed £17bn.
  • Creative industries contributed £115.9bn in 2019, an increase of 5.6% since the previous year. Just over 40% of this came from IT, software and computer services, with film, TV, video, radio and photography contributing 39%.
  • The creative industries are also largely responsible for the fact that DCMS sectors (excluding tourism and civil society) have grown much faster than the economy as a whole, seeing its value increase by 43.6%, three times the UK average of 15%.

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