Partners announced for new round of Museum Futures scheme for non-graduates 8 Oct 2019

Museum Futures is a programme giving a diverse group of people aged 18 – 24, who do not have a degree or prior museum experience, a chance to receive paid training for a year. As well as receiving on-the-job training in digital skills, they work towards a Level 3 diploma in Cultural Heritage. Nine museums have been announced as partners in the second 2020 round, these are: Birmingham Museums Trust, Bristol Culture/South West Museum Development, Derby Museums, Hastings Museum & Art Gallery, Horniman Museum, Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Tullie House, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and the British Museum. The museums will be offering taster days in the autumn to local people who are interested in applying. Mitch Hudson, who is a 2019 trainee at Norfolk Museums Service said “I feel that taking part in Museum Futures is a big achievement for me, as I previously was unsure of what direction to go in heritage, let alone having the confidence to work in it.”. There will be a final third round in 2021. Museum Futures (link to apply to attend taster days at participating museums), British Museum (overview to 2021) Museum Futures