
Spending Review includes new Levelling Up fund 04/12/2020


Measures include a £4.8bn ‘Levelling Up’ fund, open for bids from any local area and available for museum projects. »more

Museums in England begin second lockdown for at least four weeks 06/11/2020


English museums return to lockdown, with new provision announced to extend furlough to March. »more

Museums Change Lives winners announced 06/11/2020


From home delivered arts activities, to setting up a museum in a shopping centre in under two months. »more

Five Museum of the Year winners include Towner Eastbourne and Science Museum 06/11/2020


From a village museum in a nuclear bunker to significant redevelopment in Aberdeen. »more

TWAM creates museums, health and social care resource for work with older people 06/11/2020


Resource for health workers suggests approaches that address pain management, speech, cognitive stimulation, mental health, and social interaction. »more

DCMS publishes end of transition period checklist for cultural organisations 06/11/2020


Brexit guidance from 1st January 2021 of particular relevance to the sector. »more

Conference: Museums and Galleries responding to the climate and ecological crisis 07/10/2020


NMDC is hosting a virtual conference, discussing how museum professionals can learn from each other’s efforts to tackle the climate and ecological crisis. »more

Recent updates to Good Practice Guidelines on Reopening Museums 07/10/2020


Recent changes to our Good Practice Guidelines »more

All Party Parliamentary Group on Museums is launched 07/10/2020


A new All Party Parliamentary Group has been launched to highlight and promote the interests of museums across the UK, with support from NMDC and working closely with the sector »more

Museum bodies call for Cultural Recovery Fund to be extended to save civic museums 29/09/2020


The English Civic Museums Network, Museums Association and NMDC have issued a joint statement expressing concern about the ‘looming crisis’ that faces civic museums and calling for an extension to the Cultural Recovery Fund beyond the current financial year. »more