Jobs links

Follow the links below for other job vacancy listings websites and further information on working in the museums, libraries and archives sector:

Museums Association
Information and advice on careers in the museum sector and listings of museum jobs across the UK.

University of Leicester Department of Museum Studies Jobs Desk
Listings of museum jobs across the UK and worldwide.

Listings of museum jobs across the UK and worldwide.

CILIP (Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals)
Information and advice on careers in the library sector and listings of library jobs across the UK.

Society of Archivists
Information and advice on careers in the archives sector and listings of archive and records management jobs.

Arts Council England

Listings of arts jobs at national and regional organisations across England. 

English Heritage
Current vacancies at English Heritage sites across the country.

Historic Royal Palaces
Current vacancies at the Historic Royal Palaces. 

Arts Industry
Listings of jobs in the arts and culture sectors.